I tend to provide help for others as i understand.. or think I understand.. on my blog so others will not have to learn the things I've learned often from mistakes and more. While I do not claim to have it all figured out... I learn things daily.. I thought I'd share a few things that I have found true in my life and which I attempt to follow.
1. I must begin with a precaution, although I'm far past that point in my current relationship. Do not just try to make a bad match work or pretend something exists that does not. You will lose years or decades of your life if you do not heed this warning.
2. Love them. There is a wide gap between a toxic or evil relationship and one that is thriving. Good enough is not good enough for them... or you. Be worthy. Give them what they need.
3. Understand what they need. Each relationship like each person is unique. Take the time to understand how to love them. What is important to them? How do they receive love? They are worth your learning this.
4. Love is not just in what you do but what you don't. Oftentimes, it is the quiet.. the space.. the things you actively do NOT do that is most important.
5. Being a boyfriend or girlfriend is not a stepping stone. Long after I reach a legal status, my highest goal will STILL be being the best boyfriend I can be to her. Love has never been about legalities or documents or ceremonies or more. Yes.. those can be nice, but if it's about that only... it's nothing.
6. Romance isn't a race. In my experience, it is the slowest moments that carry the most value. Being slowly loved or loving someone slowly is the height of existence.
7. Join the song.. don't try to be the conductor. When we lead things, it tends to cause problems. Pay attention to the song God is conducting and be q useful instrument to a beautiful song.
That's enough for now.