Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Winding Road of Providence

This afternoon, I'm reflecting on the winding road of providence.  One year ago, I was preparing for my 2nd major eye surgery in 6 months, down in Florida.  

That time was very enlightening to me about the need for close connections.  Yes, I already missed my mom and sister and family in Oklahoma, but I was suddenly faced with the need to have someone pick me up at the hospital and had no one available or close enough to call.  When I was in recovery, I had to take care of myself, including having groceries delivered to me.  It was a very lonely time, and I doubt that I would have moved to Oklahoma without that strong motivation.

And then... I met the love of my life... absolutely perfect for each other and drawn together in a series of events that was perfectly timed.  As someone that had doubted Providence for many years, I was forced to concede the perfection of it all.

Yet...again.. it would not have happened had there not been a series of many disappointments and even harms to move me along like a rat in a maze.  Providence doesn't always gently nudge you.  Sometimes, it has to beat you down to realize your dire situation and drive you to look for and make positive outcome decisions for yourself.

So, that's the point of this short blog.  When things are going bad, don't just assume God is ignoring you.  God may be actively at work to motivate you..  IN the difficulty.  Not all difficulty means you should leave... sometimes it just hardens your resolve or purifies you.  But, it may be happening to make you realize you deserve better and to prompt you to actions towards it.

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