This will be a short one.. just want to chronicle a concept.
Science tells us that things we see are a result of things we do not. A force exerted elicits a responding reaction. We don't always see the force or the reaction, and it may happen in ways we don't intend. But, it does respond.
Many.. myself included.. have in times past limited things they liked about themselves or opinions to gain approval of others, only to find themselves now locked into patterns they do not like. Or, they acted without considering others, which.. while courageous.. can blow minor things into major problems that could be avoided with grace or tact... I'm not great at tact but working on it.
I do not advocate hiding yourself, though. Indeed, often times we cannot know how supportive someone is til we disagree with them or delay their gratification. Then, we know if they are there for us or for what we provide to them. That information is very important, as we determine the course of our lives.
I've grown over my years in all these areas. I've made decisions with the information gained to direct my time and plans, and I am living and on track to a happy outcome. But, it wouldn't have happened without my decision to be myself.. be happy, creative, loving, thinking, and in all other ways myself. That cause CREATES the responding effects that helps me navigate my dreams to happy ends.
So, that's the post. Be you. It is the creative power to provide the outcome you need. You don't have to be abrupt about it. Just be. The world will hear and respond .. as it should.
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