I actually had to give serious thought to whether to continue this blog. For years, it has been a comforting and comfortable place on the WAY to happiness, but I've never been so happy as I have in the past month... like ... ever. I thought maybe I should do a travel and food blog, instead... and I will likely do that, as well. However, the more I thought of it, we are always responsible for happiness, even when we have happiness, we must take our parts in the providence of God to ensure that happiness continues. We are ALWAYS on way to new happiness.
Indeed. Yes. I acknowledge, gratefully, that God has been at work to bring the most amazing woman into my life, but I also acknowledge the efforts of both of us to make it happen. We both saw the potential at the beginning, and both of us prioritized that in our lives to give it the proper foundation. And, we both continue to emphasize it.
So many people sit around waiting for something good to happen to them. There is some value in waiting for the right connection and etc. However, we have our part in the story. That's not a curse by God to make us work but a gift by Him/Her to participate in the CREATION of something beautiful and ... good.
So, if you are looking out on empty fields, don't curse the sky. Do like I did a long ways back. Pick up your hoe, break up the dry ground of your heart in hope, tend to your needs and correct your mistakes, plant seeds for the future and shower them with patience and anticipation with petition of the blessings and guidance of the maker. Your days will be brighter just for the attempt, and you might just find yourself blown away by the blossoms that arise as the new happiness appears.