Sunday, December 22, 2024

Love Fruit

I was in a class at my new church, today, and they were discussing a few Hebrew words for love in the Old Testament.  One prompted a deeper meaning for me, and I wanted to blog about it.

The word is Rakham or Rechem (I know from my own theological studies in the past there were no vowels in Biblical Hebrew).  It means compassion but is also a word variant of the Biblical word for womb.

What, then, transpired was my realization that love is a thing that brings forth fruit.. it CREATES life.  It creates new.

Especially right now as I'm experiencing the effects of new love, I can so clearly see this effect in operation.  As love persists and grows, it extends and nurtures an amazing new life that will result if it is given care and food.

I've struggled with examples of "religion" that we so often see in this world, and my own religious training made it hard to accept any man made form as genuine and not based in power or greed.  But... that's not love.

When LOVE exists, whether religious or family or relationship, it covers rather than pressures, heals rather than harms, and it grows into something new and amazing.  So, may you experience and give that kind of love this Christmas season for the birth of a very worthy year to come.

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