Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Succeed Anyway

 Last week's Silo episode touched on a concept that I have talked about in the past and one that I am living, today.  In the episode, one of the critics of the Silo had gone out of the episode and.... didn't die.  Were there risks, yes.  However, she learned that those running the Silo wanted her to fail and made sure that she did not.  I won't give any more than that, as I have not given anything that people that watch the show doesn't already know about those running the Silo.  However, it leads into my concept.

In society, there are people that love to promote their worldview, and they will attack anyone that distorts that world view... and MOST OF ALL .. the will wish failure upon any of their critics that should not be successful in their worldview, because that shows others that they have the ability to free will... and that is a concept that many of them fear.  If there is no stick, why would they go for the carrot they dangle in front of them .. or more aptly, if they can get their own carrot, why would they bend to take one from them.

My life in many ways is a contradiction of many different stories being presented by different groups.  

Let's see.. first, there is the belief that you must be married or in a relationship to be happy and successful... or at least have children.  Much of that has been stripped away from me without my will, but I have a happy and successful life.

Then, there is the belief that you must be Christian to be "blessed".. that one is very popular, right about now.  Not only am I not a practicing Christian, but I WALKED AWAY and praise witches and people of no religious faith and openly use my knowledge of what I learned in Bible school and seminary to poke holes in the mythology being fed to people to follow, today.... people that have fancy churches, expensive suits, and nice cars and jets in the middle of communities that fall apart from people giving away their money as quickly as most communities with a Casino... which honestly is not that much of a bad analogy.  And, I don't credit God for the success.  That's probably the thing that bothers them the most.  They tell me to praise God for it, and I would... if I could honestly identify a SINGLE good thing that has happened to me or is happening to me that is not the DIRECT result of my own actions.

I don't succeed to prove them wrong.  I don't exist to make them look bad.  I just took responsibility for my own life and my own happiness, and I am achieving it... in SPITE of their desire that I fail (because I won't accept their negative faith curse, either).  So, if you feel like others want you to fail, fk em.. succeed anyway.  They won't... and shouldn't.. be part of the feast you make of your future, anyway.

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