Saturday, October 26, 2024

Worthy Life

I was having a discussion with someone on TikTok, where I mentioned Kamala's huge government aid package for first time he owners, after they said the cost of housing had risen (she also is offering a huge aid package for small businesses), and the person said that government aid causes inflation.  So, my first response is to say, "Ah, so veteran aid for homes and more causes inflation."  There was a long pause, before his next reply.  Finally, he said a veteran is worthy of every benefit they get.  So, I replied, "So is a single mother raising a baby, or aren't you pro life?"

How did we get to the point of saying SOME lives are worthy and some are not?  Life is life.  I had a similar discussion, recently, where I noted that Mary had Jesus in a stable while being homeless, and later Jesus was homeless for all the years of his Earthly ministry and asked if they should be denied aid for being homeless and not working.  The other person in the debate tried feeble answers basically concluding Jesus and Mary should get it but no one else... despite Jesus saying what you do to the least, you do unto him.  Finally, the guy did the equivalent of putting fingers in ears and running away.  How is it we have gone from Reagan and Bush saying we have an obligation to help poor immigrants and invite them in and educate them to the HOLY party saying we should arrest and expell them without aid?  Do ANYONE think Jesus would follow that policy, when he went out and fed and healed others without asking their nationality or even requiring they adopt his faith?

The religious right needs to take a hard look at themselves in the mirror and decide if that are truly pro life or just pro birth into a world where they cut aid for the very ones struggling financially pregnant that are deciding whether they can afford to raise a child or not.  If they aren't willing to donate to them or be taxed to help them, it's gonna make for a VERY uncomfortable Thanksgiving and Christmas season standing before the "savior" they starved or cast out of their land.

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