Saturday, October 5, 2024

Freedom and Rights

It bothers me that I have to cover something so basic, so obvious... something with literally centuries of understanding, til recent years.  But... here's where we are.

Let's talk about freedom and basic human rights.  We have a lot of use of the words by those that don't understand the basic definitions, so let's start there.  

Rights: "A right is a power or privilege held by the general public, usually as the result of a constitution, statute, regulation, or judicial precedent." (Legal information Institute)

Freedom: "The state or fact of being free from servitude, constraint, inhibition, etc.; liberty" (Oxford)

We have in recent years adopted another view in society that says freedom is freedom from discomfort.  It says, you shouldn't be forced to do or be exposed to something you don't like.  The view says... I should not be expected to observe you living your life in your way, if it conflicts with my own beliefs.  It says.. I shouldn't have to learn something that I don't want to learn.  It says, I shouldn't be made to feel guilty for my actions.

Let's take crossdressers, trans people and such, even though this can be equally applied to gay couples, atheists, women's rights, minorities and... well.. basically everything being attacked by one political party, today.

When someone wakes up and says... you know... I'm not comfortable with the stereotype I'm seen as being.  This can go either way .. a man that doesn't want to be seen as commanding or controlling or competitive or more... or a woman that says I don't want to be seen as only a support of a man or weak or as an object for men to observe or use.  Yes, this crosses over into equality of men and women to choose their role, as well.  Or, maybe they say as a man that they prefer soft clothes or using makeup or feeling "pretty" or a woman that doesn't like that look and just wants to look strong and to fit in with men, like another "dude."  What harm are they doing... to you .. in doing it?  On your side, no one is telling you to be trans.  No one is banning dresses and makeup for women.  No one is banning testosterone for men.  Indeed, even if a woman took testosterone, it wouldn't block your ability to use it.  

One point I have made many times in the past and again recently is this.  When someone is upset that a man wears a dress or makeup or a woman cuts her hair short without makeup... or they choose occupations or hobbies of the other sex, it gets huge and vocal objections by conservatives.  A few days ago, one President candidate repeatedly called a male VP candidate on the other side a "tampon" and encouraged his side to mock the man for not being "masculine" enough.  And, right there, they make is ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that gender is not based on sex organs.  After all, if it were, it wouldn't matter WHAT a person wears or how they act.  If they have a penis, they are masculine.  If they have a vagina, they are feminine.  By attaching definitions to what qualities those words have, they are DEMANDING that gender is a CHOSEN way of acting that they demand you must do... getting us back to "constraint, inhibition..liberty" above.  Those demanding people live in one specific way are taking away their liberty and demanding they live by the choices of others.. just so those others feel more comfortable.

But, who ever said life was comfortable?  Try making money without work.  Try getting fit without exercise.  Try getting ANYTHING done in groups if you only allow like minded people to interact with you.  

Diversity.. for all the hate on the right for the term.. is simply saying that you have the freedom and right to choose what makes you happy, so long as you don't stop my right to choose the same in my life and with my body.  That's what was understood when the Constitution was written (though it would take a while for all to have equal access to that right), and that's the only way we move forward to peace and success in our national future.

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