Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Many have heard about Schrodinger's Cat philosophy metaphor.  For those who haven't and to butcher it in simplification, when a cat is in a box that is closed, it is both alive and dead to those outside, til the box is opened and the actual state is known.  Til that point, both are real to others.  I'll come back to this..

We live in so many boxes over our lives... from the moment we are born.  We are male, female, Caucasian (that term will need changing to be honest), black, white, rich, poor, Midwestern, American, Hispanic, Asian, and so on and so forth.  When we enter the world, we have no idea what that means.  We are TAUGHT what people SAY it means.  We are also taught this is "normal" and this is not, this is the god you should be good for and how to do it.  These are the things you should fear.  Indeed... fear is a big one used to direct people.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't avoid danger or harm, but you don't need fear for that.  Wisdom will suffice.

Every year, I watch The Village in October as qe near Halloween.  I will do so this week or weekend, as well.  It is an amazing movie for more than having one of the sexiest actresses out there.. Dallas Bryce Howard.  The series focuses on an old style community that lives a simple life and follows simple rules to protect them, such as avoiding the "bad color" and not going outside the border, otherwise the evil creature will get them.  If you have not seen it and will stop here and go see it and return.  I must give spoilers to make my point. 

As the story unfolds, the "beast" starts coming and leaving dead animals all around and a young man is stabbed by a mentally challenged another young man. To save  her dying friend, a blind girl chooses to travel to another village to get medicine.  But, to allow her to travel, her father and village elders must tell her the truth... there is no beast.  It is a costume that they wear to keep people doing what they want them to do.  In truth, it is modern day, and they pretend it is an old age to create the society they desire on land that they own.

I tell this to make a point.  Until the blind girl hears this, it is real to her... all of it.  Then, the blind girl sees more than most others with eyes.  She did what she was told, and her life and the village WAS the embodiment of the lie... even if it wasn't true.  It was REAL because the box was closed... much like the boxes the elders had to keep their objects from their old life.

We live in the boxes others define for us.  We fear things,  and that fear produces real reactions by ourselves and others that judge us by the boxes... but.. here's the thing.  The pretty and shiny box... isn't real.  It is created.  And, if you travel from one city to another, one country to another, and so on... the boxes are different and the reality is different... but all because they keep the boxes closed and unchallenged.

I've learned enough in my life to know you can't change all the world.  People love their boxes, and they will even try to force you to fit in their boxes.  But, I've also learned you can change YOUR world as simply as saying... you know... I think I'll choose another box or no box at all... but choosing ANY other box will make finding a center more easy.

Until you open your box of your life,  you are...whatever you want to be.  And, all of those are real and can lead you to your own happiness,  even if it takes living apart from others trying to fit you in theirs.  So, take comfort and liberation in that realization and choose a box and life that leads you to life not fear and condemnation.

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