Friday, September 27, 2024


We have just accepted the idea that if someone gets 49 percent of the vote and the other side gets 47 percent that the higher number party must be given absolute authority to dictate their morals upon the 47 percent and that the 47 percent's opinions doesn't matter... their objections don't matter.. their values don't matter.  Even if the winning party had 51 percent that's stupid.  Even if they had 90 percent, that's stupid.  Everyone matters.  Everyone has value.  Everyone is entitled to freedom to live their lives their way in their homes, their beds, and to speak their minds.

The little country of Ukraine has been fighting for years against a much bigger Russia that has been determined to extinguish the county of Ukraine.  People have been saying it couldn't win against Russia.  Yet, years later, it is not only still surviving but is causing damage far inside Russia, itself.  Despite many globally saying they just needed to accept Russian rule, they are still free.  They are still relevant.  They still matter.

People have been telling LGBTQ people that they are evil and that they shouldn't have freedom over their own bodies to live their way with love for people they are banned from loving.  Yet... they exist.  They continue being their way, even with condemnation and the condemnation is less every year... just like happened to blacks, women, witches, and more.

I've faced a lot of unwarranted condemnation by the actions of a few that wanted me to be seen as evil and to fail and be rejected in life.  For a while, I fought against the false witness and struggles that they caused, trying to convince their audience that I had value.  Yet, I learned very clearly that those who judge you WANT to judge you, and nothing you do will change their perspective.  It's better to just improve your situation and happiness, often by distancing yourself from your doubters and definitely by not respecting their opinion more than your own.  If you know you are right or good, STAND... be happy in yourself.  Grow.  Become what you desire in absence of their validation.  They lost the right to be part of the success that they didn't believe in or support.  

Your mood is in your hands.  Your success is in your power to execute by taking concrete actions.  Your future has never been in the power of others beyond your choice to bend to others assessment of your life over your own.  So, fk them.  Rise, yourself.  And as they will for your downfall, stand laughing your Karma of success, they will be busy facing their own Karma of criticism, soon enough.

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