Sunday, September 29, 2024

Safe and Secure

 I have been, am being, and will continue being proven right in my assessments and my responses.  As I've said several times, others will come around to seeing it and will continue to reject me even though I spoke the truth that now accept.  Story of my life.  The truth isn't often welcomed, even though it forms the core of my values.  I'm in a good job for that.

But, my point for this post is a tangent of that reality.  I'm driven to only accept objective truth, and I hate (strong word but chosen on purpose) those that promote lies to deceive people... and I see that moreso in religious circles than outside TBH.. but both applies.  I hate those that encourage hate of people for simply their choice to exist and live their lives by their choices.  I'm still not to my central point, though.

My point is this.  Consider what you need in your close connections and relationships.  The primary thing we need is feeling safe and valued.  If you don't have that, my experience is whatever you have will eventually end.  I have too much history of being attacked by those that I trusted for that safety for my inherent objective factual drive.  It doesn't matter whether they eventually agree.  That was never the point, and I'm ok with others holding different opinions.  But, if I have to risk losing connections every time I open my mouth in question or observation, a close relationship will never be possible.

So... I will be VERY cautious choosing who gets close to me and the closest will have to prove their support past their opinions, and I recommend you do the same

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