I heard a good metaphor for risk, today. I've talked about the concept of acceptable risk, before, and this falls into that category.
Imagine you have a carton of eggs that you bought at the store. You need to get them home. There is NO options for zero risk to get them home. You can reduce risk, but there may be bumps in the road or shifts in the car that could end up breaking a few eggs. The only way to have no risk is to not buy eggs.
I forget that people struggle with the idea of having to have risk, because my life has pretty much necessitated it over the last few years. The only way I would have had no risk is to have given up jobs and residence and maybe moved into the house of a relative and even then would have only been a drain on resources. I've routinely taken risky choices, and they have overcome one challenge after another, leading me to my current success. Where I currently am set to thrive would never have happened if I had not taken not one but a multitude of risky options, from applying for the job when I wasn't even sure my eye would work to moving a half country away to driving to make money on a car that was breaking down to more.
Risk is not something that you can avoid and still thrive. It is the stepping stone TO a better foundation or foundations, as you increase. I don't need to make this blog long, as that is the sum of the concept. Applying it as you will. Just don't give up eggs.
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