Friday, September 20, 2024

Election Red Flags

I think this needs to be said, and it is definitely related to happiness.

I've said before in my discussion of the value of darkness that conflicts and open speaking of uncomfortable topics is necessary and beneficial to increase public consideration of ideas that maybe they would not consider, otherwise... and thus elections were good for that reason.

It's also good to expose the true beliefs of politicians that would rather not have their illusions challenged.  However, I also think it important when consideration of potential mates and dates.

Now... I do not believe in only dating one party, and some disagreements of opinions are healthy in a relationship.  I like how most Tim Allen comedies have him married to someone of opposing political viewpoints.

However... election time can highlight important character differences.  For example, I am someone that stands for those in need and victims.  Being with someone that doesn't care if others suffer would be an important thing to know.   Similarly, I support LGBTQ rights is important to me.  Someone that thinks they all deserve hell or wants them silenced would never work with me.  Election time is likely the only time I'd come to know their true opinions, separate from the image they showed to try to get me.

So... I like election times for the ability to understand the true character of others, apart from what religion they choose or what statements they say at holidays.  Do they really give to the poor, or would they leave them on their own.  All of these are important things to understand.

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