Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trust Your Wings

It's not a novel or original concept for this blog post, but I think I often omit or don't do some things in blogs upon which I rely, simply because in my mind it's something that people already know, even if they in fact often don't... as the old truths of prior generations are not conveyed, always, to younger generations and younger generations in this cancel culture are not interested in what older generations would tell them, leading us toward a society where they will have to learn them for themselves and then judge the older generations for not telling them what they didn't want to hear.

One of those lessons I will write about, today.  Consider a bird.  At some point, the parent bird will push the young bird out of the nest to force the bird to use and gain confidence not in someone else to save them but in confidence of their own wings.

I have, unfortunately... or maybe fortunately.. had a lot of experience in this over my life in my personal struggles.  But, it is the biggest reason that I am able to shift into a methodical and steady mode of progress to rise when things happen to disrupt my stability.  I have come back from poverty caused by things outside of my control more times than I can count... medical bills, my own or others physical limitations, auto repairs...or auto unrepairability, the actions of others, and so on.  I am currently staying in a hotel that I didn't realize when I began that it was the same I stayed in years and years ago, after such a time in my life.  The hotel changed name, and I was only here for a few months, prior... and it's been updated since then.  However, that point in my life was caused by my getting a new, higher paying, job in a neighboring state.. only a few hours away.  We went through all the state procedures to move out of state to the new job with regards to my wife at the time's ex and visitation.  I even offered to pay his gas or flights for the kids.  He participated in it for months, but he decided he was tired of that and sued us both to put his ex into contempt and to drag us back to move near him.  Like I said, we had law on our side, but the court costs and affect on my wife at the time and kids was not good, so I ultimately consented to move back to this city... without a job... or a car, as we had used a title loan to help pay for the legal bills in part.

So.. at the point I was staying in this building, we were living here with very little money, no vehicle, our stuff in storage, and more.  I would go back to a previous employer that had treated me very badly for a job for a paycheck and was taking a bus back and forth in long trips to get a paycheck.  We'd use that paycheck to get into a new apartment and to get a new used vehicle and go upwards from there.  Of course, the stress of all that led to a high blood pressure nose bleed that was my first indication of having high blood pressure and got started on meds for it and lost weight and went upwards from there, eventually.  However, I survived and came back from it.  I could point to a dozen other times in my life with similar obstacles and challenges to overcome in one way or another.  However... I always found the floor and rose.

This is another example of learning the value of darkness.  If I had stayed in a protected and shielded world, I would not have the skills or the confidence that I now have.  Now, I KNOW that no matter what should happen... no matter how far I might have to fall or what I might have to do, I will survive and rise.  Even now, one thing or another could happen... and if it does I would pause.. consider my options.. and determine what needs to be done.  I would not panic or have a heart attack or stroke or fall to pieces.  Why?  I trust my wings to rise.

You have surely faced trials in your past.  I hope that they are nowhere near as much as I have had to face, and I know mine are light compared to some others.  However, rather than feeling pity and depression, you can take heart in the fact that your mental and emotional muscles have been building, and you can gain confidence in yourself to be able to meet whatever may come your way and learn and rise from the meeting.  Your tomorrow will be a better day.



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