Do you know what I think is the unifying factor in mant of our mental and emotional problems that we have today? Indeed, I'd say most of them and financial and other problems, as well. I think it is the expectation of perfection. It is the perfect enemy... because the enemy is being perfect.
Someone is depressed about their body. What is the enemy... perfection. Someone is depressed about their income or family structure or clothing or really anything. What is the enemy... perfection.
This stretches into the realm of diversity in that someone has an image in their head about how others should look or feel or act. When they confront many that do not look or feel or act like the perfect stereotype, they are bothered. Is it the person doing something against them? No.. it's just not that person's perfect society view.
We are not made to be perfect. Indeed, the Bible Christians use says it is not possible to be perfect. ALL are fallen, they say. Well, surely then after accepting Jesus they will be perfect. Nope..they will keep not being perfect the rest of their lives. So, why do we keep using perfection to judge our lives and the lives of others. Better to be good to others, which everyone can do.. saved or not..and be happy with who you are and accepting of who others are in a changing society.
Failure to reach perfection is not a variance in society. We all do it. If you understand that, a lot of our criticism of ourselves, our lives, and others disappears. All we really need to do is embrace imperfection in order to be more happy in our lives.
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