Sunday, May 26, 2024

Introverts, Extroverts, the World, and Media

Last year, I began to consider something and have seen a few meme's questioning it, as well.  Over the last week, I've also been considering something new from time to time that expands the question and gives it a little foundation, as well.  The question begins with a query in memes that asks why the extrovert world feels that it is the introverts that are broken and needing correction, instead of the other way around.  Why is it that the introvert must speak up more and not the extroverts be more quiet?  This is not going to be a slam on extroverts but a harmony, so stick with me.  However, it is a worthy question, when you consider all of the things we gain in the world by slowing down and using observation and reflection skills over boldly going forth.

Over the last week, I considered the various types of media that are out there and the creators and audience of that media.  One the one side, you have actors and movies.  They are, by nature, extrovert in that they are putting themselves OUT THERE and WANTS attention and to be seen.  So, their creations are often about going, doing, action, interaction, etc.  The audience that likes these qualities are either inherently or by watching them similarly extroverts that want to do the same.

On the other side, you have writers and books.  You often don't even know what an author looks like, because they prefer to write and live in solitude.  As such, their creations are less interested in boisterous loud expressions that can be seen but the quiet inner dialogue of their well founded and understood characters.  The focus is on plot, meaning, depth, and truths.  Those that read the books are, by nature, not looking for simple and loud expressions but to find those qualities that writes convey.

But... what are the most popular and lasting expressions of both?  I am probably not alone in saying that I have seen movies or tv shows made about books much more than the books, themselves.  And, there are a lot of these kinds of creations.  Indeed, one of the best selling things that can be said of a piece of visual media is to say that it is "based on the book" and that line boosts interest by both introverts and extroverts to make it not only a hit but a lasting classic.

So, I think that deep inside both introverts and extroverts NEED each other and seek out each other to complete their own limits.  The introvert appreciates those that have the courage to speak up or act, and the extroverts appreciate the depth and complex nature of those less quiet.  I think the only reason that extroverts want introverts to speak up is that that is the only way they know with which to connect, and the introvert may appreciate the extrovert, but they are left lamenting that they are not made to be in that world and often find themselves alone... unless they find other introverts with which to connect, but even that is difficult for an introvert.  Meanwhile, extroverts have similar difficulties in that they might find others that will do things with them, but those connections are often short lived and surface.

So, my conclusion is that just like media, the best matches of friends or otherwise are those that have a combination of both qualities.  So, here's hoping we can get past the walls and divisions we create in our society to learn to appreciate in others what is missing in ourselves.  We might just find greater happiness in the combination.

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