Thursday, May 30, 2024

Forward ON!

I'm going to make this my last post, before I move.  Between tonight and tomorrow, I'll be very busy working and want to try to watch a miniseries tonight, before my Prime membership gets paused.  But, I try to write when inspiration hits, and I am feeling this post from reflections I've noticed over time and is appropriate to the blog and life events.

This will not be a political post.  But, I do see one thing that that involves some politicians and other that I want to mention... not even people I particularly always like.  However, it is worth noting, and to do so I have to note how it works for them.

I'm not a fan of Biden or Trump.  I've opposed both at different times.  However, one thing we can see with Trump is this... he never quits.  And, one thing we can see about society around him is that he was once persona non grata.. he couldn't even have a social media account, til they figured out that was illegal. Slanderous things were said about him.. and some true negatives.  Yet.. here we are with him as the main candidate of a political party, and there is a growing chance that he will be elected again like Harrison was in history after a period (I think I'm related to that Harrison.. I think).  REGARDLESS of his critics, he just kept believing in himself and staying consistent and others bent to finally accept him.  I'm not sure that is a good thing, but it is true.

You can see this in the trial of Johnny Depp, too.  For YEARS he was guilty before a trial and lost many movies and tv shows and more.  But, he just kept pushing and fighting.  Now, after the trial cleared him, Disney is begging him to do his roles again, and I JUST saw a new SAVAGE cologne ad with his face on it, again.

It is easy to feel disheartened, when you see rejection all around you.  It is easy to feel like saying... well fk them all.. and just walk away from it all.  Many actors and actresses have done with Hollywood over the years, in fact.  But, the thing is that people liking you or hating you are often based on trends, and one thing about trends is that people like to change them.  If something stays the same too long, they will look for a reason to challenge it, and if you are still out there doing your thing, your time may come.

So, all I really wanted to say with this post is this... and I'm saying it to myself as much as anyone else.  No matter what has happened in your life and no matter how much you feel you have failed, you only fail is you quit trying.  Yes.. change your procedure or evaluate your desires to make sure they are true to your soul and make adjustments as needed.  But, if you believe in your convictions and like your likes and have your preferences, STICK to them.  I won't ever be a clean cut, church elder, football watching, dominant man.  I will always have an independent streak and challenge opposing structures.  But, I will always be me.. empathetic, scifi loving, music playing, logical-artistic streak person that always works to better my life and make a difference.  And, it doesn't matter if some around me don't appreciate that.  The only way I get to someone that does is to ignore the critics and keep moving.  Forward ON!

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